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Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy
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Cansu Cimen Bozkus, PhD

Parker Bridge Fellow


Cansu Cimen Bozkus is a postdoctoral fellow and a Parker Bridge Scholar at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. After obtaining her PhD in immunology at Purdue University under the supervision of Timothy Ratliff, where she studied the mechanisms by which myeloid-derived suppressor cells mediate T-cell dysfunction in autoimmune diseases and cancer, she has joined Nina Bhardwaj’s laboratory to continue her training. Her postdoctoral studies are aimed towards generating common, off-the-shelf cancer immunotherapy designs through the identification and the characterization of T-cell immunity against shared tumor-specific antigens, derived from frameshift mutations, and the immunosuppressive mechanisms that might limit the efficacy of potential cancer immunotherapies targeting such shared tumor antigens. She studied the shared tumor antigen-specific T-cell immunity in the context of myeloproliferative neoplasms, as well as tumors with microsatellite instability.

Education & Training

  • 2007: Intern, University of Edinburgh
  • 2008: Intern, University of Massachusetts Medical School
  • 2009: Bilkent University Molecular Biology and Genetics BS
  • 2015: Purdue University Comparative Pathobiology Ph.D
  • 2016 - Present: Postdoctoral Fellow, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Awards & Honors

  • 2020: The Parker Bridge Scholarship, Parker Institute for Immunotherapy
  • 2019: The Annual Dean’s Healthcare System Team Science Award Finalist, Mount Sinai
  • 2019: Keystone Symposium on Cancer Vaccines Scholarship, Keystone Symposia
  • 2015: AAI Trainee Poster Award, The American Association of Immunologists
  • 2015: Travel Grant, Purdue University Women in Science Program
  • 2015: Graduate Student Travel Award, Purdue University Center for Cancer Research,
  • 2013: Graduate Research Assistantship, Purdue University Center for Cancer Research
  • 2005-2009: Honor Student, Bilkent University
  • 2005-2009: Full Scholarship (for high academic achievement), Bilkent University
  • 2005-2009: Undergraduate Basic Science Scholarship, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey