Jeffrey Bluestone, PhD Vice Chair, Board of Directors Biography Jeffrey Bluestone is the president and chief executive officer of Sonoma Biotherapeutics and the A.W. and Mary Margaret Clausen Distinguished Professor at the Diabetes Center of The University of California, San Francisco. Dr. Bluestone is a highly accomplished scientific researcher whose work over nearly three decades has focused on understanding the basic processes that control T-cell activation and immune tolerance in autoimmunity, organ transplantation, and cancer. His research has led to the development and commercialization of multiple immunotherapies, including the first FDA-approved drug targeting T-cell costimulation to treat autoimmune disease and organ transplantation and the first FDA-approved CTLA-4 antagonist drugs for the treatment of metastatic melanoma. He was part of the team of early developers of a novel anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody, now called teplizumab, a pro-tolerogenic drug that has shown clinical activity in type 1 diabetes, psoriatic arthritis, and the reversal of kidney transplant rejection. In addition to his research, Dr. Bluestone was the founding director of the Immune Tolerance Network, the largest NIH-funded multicenter clinical immunology research program, testing novel immunotherapies in transplantation, autoimmunity, and asthma/allergy. He recently led the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy as president and CEO. He served as a member of the Blue Ribbon Panel, a board of scientific experts appointed by then Vice President Joe Biden to guide the NCI Cancer Moonshot Research Initiative. He was also the Ludwig Professor and director of the Ben May Institute at The University of Chicago and served as a senior investigator at the NCI. Dr. Bluestone holds a BS and an MS from Rutgers University and a PhD in immunology from the Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences. Education & Training 1980: Cornell Graduate School of Medical Science, PhD, Immunology 1977: Rutgers, State University, MS, Microbiology 1974: Cook College, Rutgers University, BS, Biology Awards & Honors 2016: National Cancer Foundation, Blue Ribbon Panel on Cancer Research (Biden Moonshot Program) 2015: Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies, President-Elect 2015: American Society of Transplantation, Outstanding Mentorship Award 2013: National Academy of Medicine, Elected Member 2010: American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology, Elliott Middleton Memorial Lectureship 2005: Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Mary Tyler Moore & Robert Levine Excellence in Clinical Research Award 2008: Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Scholar Award 2006: American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Elected Member 1998: Cornell Medical School, Distinguished Alumni Award 2004: Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Gerold & Kayla Grodsky Basic Science Award 2004: American Society for Transplantation, Roche Distinguished Research Award 1997: Guggenheim Foundation, Senior Fellowship 1997: Fogarty Foundation, Senior Research Fellowship 1989: American Cancer Society, Faculty Scholar 1987 - 89: Gould Foundation, Faculty Scholar