Max Krummel, PhD Professor, Department of Pathology Biography Matthew (Max) Krummel is a Professor in the Pathology Department at University of California, San Francisco. He specializes in Systems Immunology and his research projects are aimed at understanding how cells work together to generate immunity. His lab use real-time microscopic methods to image the dynamic movement of lymphocytes and lymphocyte receptors during antigen recognition. They also design, build, and exploit cutting-edge microscopes as part of these studies. Primary diseases studied include, asthma, tissue damage and immunoevasive tumors. Education & Training 2001: Stanford University, Immunology 1997: Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Melbourne Aus., Immunology 1995: University of California at Berkeley, CA, Ph.D. Immunology 1989: University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, IL, B.S. Biology and Chemistry Awards & Honors 2009-2012: Fellow of the American Asthma Foundation 2005-2010: Leukemia and Lymphoma Foundation, Career Award 2004-2007: Investigator Award, Cancer Research Institute 1997-2000: NRSA Postdoctoral Fellowship, National Institutes of Health 1996-1997: Postdoctoral Fellowship, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation